Unforeseen Opportunities

And Surprises!

The joy of selling a painting never fades. Someone has connected with me and what I create, how I feel and how I want to express my emotional connection with the landscape so much that they want to purchase the piece and take it home!

This connection never ceases to give me enormous pleasure.

This beautiful painting sold at our end of year show at Tremenheere Sculpture gardens, Penzance. The show was the culmination of a 12 month programme with Newlyn School of Art; an amazingly in-depth course which continues to resonate.

Hope - a painting by Louise Bougourd

The amazing thing about this sale is that the new owner of ‘Hope’ is the creator of ‘ArtMinute’, a YouTube channel where she has featured this painting and me!

Oh my, what a fantastic opportunity, delight and huge surprise to be featured by Sophie Kazan!

Massive thank you, Sophie!


After ‘Wait for Me’


Starting a New Project